Pinky And Perky Double Celebrations

Those on a family day out at Odds Farm Park are in for a very special treat.  Clever sisters Pinky and Perky have each given birth this summer to a litter of pure Gloucester Old Spot
piglets within the childrens farm.  In fact these are the first pure Gloucester Old Spot births since they were born at the farm in June 2009; a double celebration.


Both sets of piglets are on show for visitors to see on their family day out.  Taking care of their new arrivals very well, this is the first litter for both Pinky and Perky.


Gloucester Olds Spots are the oldest spotted pedigree pig breed in the world and the females make great mums.  Just like Pinky and Perky, Gloucester Old Spots have lovely placid characters and are very laid back.


This summer has seen plenty more new babies in the Childrens Farm  at Odds Farm Park.  Alongside piglets, children on days out can also see the rare twin British White calves, baby goats and the cutest Shetland foal.  Make sure you don’t miss them on your family day out!


Odds Farm Park is easily reached from all over London (although closest to West London and North London), Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire.  For more information to plan your day out, visit the family days out website at